
Rabu, 02 September 2015


University of Muhammadiyah Malang

The department was established in  2005 and it will going to the seventh year with about 700 hundreds students coming from many areas and foreign countries. We also have already graduating more than 100 alumny whose working in many institutions both government and private. The department has supported by professional lecturer graduate from domestic and overseas universities with their own focus of study.

The departement also establishing the laboratory that be a center for developing academic capability for students and lecturer. They have library, internet service, wifi, international TV broadcast, meeting room and theater that can be used for academic purposes. the department also have network in international and national like Minsitry of Foreign Affairs, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Foreign embassies and colsulates, East Java Bureau for International Corporations, and the others.

In 2013, the department establishing special program as the implementation of its vision in regionalism (Asia) and globalization. the program was named "How ASEAN are you?", which contain many activities centered on the socialization of ASEAN Community 2015 to the common people. In 2013 also we launch new program for the student who working their thesis to take visiting student for their research and developing their litrature review in Universiti Sains Malaysia and Universiti Utara Malaysia. We also have a plan to establishing two centre studies this year. They are Centre for China Studies cooperated with PRC government, Guangxi Normal University and Huaqiao University.

I wish this web site will give you informations about our department and if you want to know more abut us do not hesitate to contact us and we will always welcoming you.


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